How to Disable SIP ALGs on Juniper JunOS Routers
Posted by Chris P. on 11 May 2023 02:30 PM

SIP ALG (Session Initiation Protocol Application Level Gateway) can sometimes cause issues with voice and video communication on your network. Disabling it can be a common troubleshooting step.

Here are the general steps to disable SIP ALG on a Juniper router or switch. Please keep in mind that the exact steps may vary depending on the specific model of your Juniper device and the version of Junos OS it's running.

First, you'll need to access the Juniper device's command-line interface (CLI). This is usually done by connecting to the device via SSH or a console cable.


Once you're at the CLI, you'll need to enter operational mode. If you're not already in operational mode, you can usually get there by typing:


Now you need to enter configuration mode. You can do this with the following command:


In configuration mode, you'll need to set the SIP ALG to be disabled. The command to do this can vary, but it's usually something like:

set security alg sip disable

Finally, you'll need to commit your changes to make them take effect. You can do this with the commit command:


After the commit command, you can exit configuration mode by typing:


Please make sure to replace any placeholders with the appropriate values for your network and device. Also, be aware that making changes to your network configuration can potentially cause disruptions, so it's a good idea to schedule this type of maintenance during a period of low network usage, and always make sure you have a backup of your current configuration that you can revert to if necessary.


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