Sending faxes through Vantacts eFax service
Posted by Chris P. on 24 April 2020 10:54 AM

In order to send faxes, you must first authorize your email with Vantact's eFax service. An eFax account can authorize up to 5 (five) emails to be able to send faxes. To authorize your emails, send an email to with the list of email to authorize.


Sending faxes from an unauthorized email account will receive the following error:

This e-mail address is not authorized by the server to send faxes.  Please contact your system administrator.

Sending faxes

Once your account has been created with Vantact, you will be able to send faxes via your email client.

1. Open your favorite email client, and create a new email.

2. Under the To field, insert the phone number in the format where phone number is the phone number of the receiving fax.

3. The message body is considered by the system as the cover letter. You can input as much information as you require. This will precede the fax content. If a cover letter is unnecessary then you may leave this field blank. Note that it is highly recommended not to have a picture in the message body as some fax machines may reject the fax.

4. You may now press the Attach File button which is considered the content of the fax.  

5. When selecting an attachment please note that not all file formats can be sent. The formats that proved to work best are: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, TEXT, JPG, JPEG and TIFF. It is recommended that you use one of these formats for better compatibility.


6. After selecting the file you wish to send as a fax, click the insert button.

7. After reviewing your fax, click the send button.

8. You should receive an email from the fax server stating the status of your fax. If it was delivered you should receive a fax similar to the one below:

You may click on the Fax Server Delivered message, and then on FaxedImage.pdf attachment to review the faxed image. Note that if you receive a NOT DELIVERED message, that means that the fax failed to deliver.